The Questions
A lot of the phone calls we receive, are of people asking questions about the vehicle or the service. Here are some of the most popular questions we get asked. If you don't see your question below, feel free to give us a call and we would be glad to answer for you.

What if I need to cancel my service? We apologize but due to the business and the fact that scheduling a reservation means that we have to not take other customer reservations for the same vehicle on the same day, we do not cancel reservations under any circumstances. What you might be able to do, depending on availability, is upgrade/downgrade your vehicle or move your time earlier/later. You cannot change the date of your reservation though.

Can we smoke on the limo? California law prevents us from allowing any guests to smoke on our limo. San Diego law also prevents the use of tobacco products on commercial vehicles. We like our buses to stay fresh for all our customers to enjoy.

Do you include food? Food is not included. This allows us to keep our prices low in order to give our customers the lowest price guaranteed. There are coolers to keep food cold, if you bring any. We just ask that if you bring food, please try not to make a huge mess.

How about alcohol. Is that allowed? Of course alcohol is allowed on the limo. San Diego is a hard working town and we want our customers to be able to relax. In order to do so, sometimes it takes a few drinks. Bring as much alcohol as you want. We do not supply you with alcohol.

What happens if I leave something behind? If you get home and you realize you left something, give us a call the next day. Chances are we have already found it while cleaning and may have even called you. Then we will make arrangements on how to get the item back to you. We do ask, however, that you make sure that you have your belongings. It should be noted that alcoholic beverages cannot legally be returned after service is complete.

Can children come on board? Children and those who are under 21 years old are welcomed. If there are those who are younger, alcohol may not be on board. We are great for birthday parties, graduations, sweet 16, Bat Mitzvah, Quinceanera and more.

Are there any hidden fees? When you call or email for your reservation, we inform you of the price and any fees that you may get. We do not hide anything from you. We like to be upfront with our customers as a sign of respect.

Why is there no price on the website? Our price is always changing due to different variables such as peak times and special events. It would just be best if you called us so that we may tell you the exact price it would be. The price does include service, tip for your chauffeur, taxes and fees.