Contact Now

Thank you for exploring our site. If you still have questions that weren't answered, give us a call. We want you to be 100% comfortable in renting a limousine bus. If you want a free quote or would like to start your reservation, then give us a call! We have customer service agents who are friendly and willing to help you. They will answer your questions and try to get you the best deal. You can contact us 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Thank you!

When calling for your free quote or to start your reservation, having the following ready will make the process go faster.

  • Your First Name
  • Phone Number
  • The day and time you need service
  • The number of passengers
  • The city of pick up
  • The locations you will be visiting through out the night
  • Credit or Debit card to put a hold on your reservation
